Hi there and welcome to our little corner of the internet. We thought a little background on us will give readers an idea as to what they can expect to find on here. We’re a family of 3 4; mum, dad, 1 month old and 5-year-old daughter from the UK. We’re not ‘influencers’ and we don’t travel with hoards of professional equipment (cameras, lights, drones, satellites etc.) to take photos or film any video footage. Our moments are generally captured on your average iPhone.

Family holiday at Orpheus Island Resort, Australia 
Family holiday at Orpheus Island Resort, Australia 

Before we had our daughter, we loved to travel (and we still do) – we’re a sucker for a warmer climate, island resorts and are partial to a bit of poolside lounging. Although we met in London, we ended up living in Australia for a while before heading back to the UK for the arrival of our daughter. What we didn’t want was for a child to stop us from continuing to enjoy exploring the world. We wanted our daughter to grow up with the opportunity to travel and embrace other countries and cultures from a young age, something neither of us really had.

Our first trip away was when our little girl was 4 months old to the south of France (we wanted to ease ourselves in) and within 2 years we had clocked up over 30 flights, including a number of helicopter rides, between 13 countries. Travelling has become second nature to our daughter now and we do believe that having been lucky enough to be able to start travelling with her at such a young age, it’s made travelling a much less stressful experience.

We, like many other families, sometimes struggle to find luxury accommodation/holidays that cater for young families (who sleeps well with a young child that tosses and snores through the night just 5ft away from your bed? No one ever!). So when we find a good accommodation or a great resort, we’re chuffed. And since sharing is caring, we thought we’d share our experiences and reviews on here so other families in a similar situation to ours (or not necessarily), can

  • have genuinely good recommendations,
  • know what to expect and
  • know what they are getting for their money.

That’s all. We do hope you enjoy, and just maybe you’ll find our content somewhat helpful when it comes to booking your next little (or big) family getaway.

We are media-friendly and open to using our website and luxury travel Instagram accounts to publish content to our followers.

