Best time to visit Megeve

Last updated on May 17, 2023

What are the hottest months to visit Megeve in?

The months with highest temperature in Megeve are July with 26.0°C and August with 24.4°C See Chart

Temperature by months in Megeve

What are the coolest months to visit Megeve in?

The months with lowest temperature in Megeve are January with -3.9°C and February with -1.4°C See Chart

Temperature by months in Megeve

What months have the most rainfall to visit Megeve in?

The months with most rain in Megeve are December with 6.8mm and October with 5.1mm See Chart

Rain by months in Megeve

What months have the least rainfall to visit Megeve in?

The months with least rain in Megeve are September with 1.3mm and January with 1.4mm See Chart

Rain by months in Megeve

What are the most humid months to visit Megeve in?

The months with most humidity in Megeve are November with 84.3 % and October with 79.1 % See Chart

Humidity by months in Megeve

What are the least humid months to visit Megeve in?

The months with least humidity in Megeve are July with 60.6 % and April with 62.7 % See Chart

Humidity by months in Megeve

What months have the most wind in Megeve?

The most windy months in Megeve are April with 18.3 km/h and March with 17.5 km/h See Chart

Wind by months in Megeve

What months have the least wind in Megeve?

The least windy months in Megeve are February with 12.9 km/h and August with 13.9 km/h See Chart

Wind by months in Megeve

Which months have the most cloud cover in Megeve?

The most windy months in Megeve are November with 84.7 % and December with 84.0 % See Chart

Cloud cover by months in Megeve

Which months have the least cloud cover in Megeve?

The least windy months in Megeve are February with 43.4 % and March with 58.5 % See Chart

Cloud cover by months in Megeve

Temperature by months in Megeve

Rain precipitation by months in Megeve

Humidity by months in Megeve

Wind speed by months in Megeve

MonthWind SpeedWind TypeSea conditionsWave height
January18.3 (km/h)moderate breezesmall waves becoming longer & fairly frequent white horses1 - 2 m
February17.5 (km/h)moderate breezesmall waves becoming longer & fairly frequent white horses1 - 2 m
March17.0 (km/h)moderate breezesmall waves becoming longer & fairly frequent white horses1 - 2 m
April16.5 (km/h)moderate breezesmall waves becoming longer & fairly frequent white horses1 - 2 m
May16.5 (km/h)moderate breezesmall waves becoming longer & fairly frequent white horses1 - 2 m
June15.2 (km/h)moderate breezesmall waves becoming longer & fairly frequent white horses1 - 2 m
July14.9 (km/h)moderate breezesmall waves becoming longer & fairly frequent white horses1 - 2 m
August14.6 (km/h)moderate breezesmall waves becoming longer & fairly frequent white horses1 - 2 m
September14.4 (km/h)moderate breezesmall waves becoming longer & fairly frequent white horses1 - 2 m
October14.1 (km/h)moderate breezesmall waves becoming longer & fairly frequent white horses1 - 2 m
November13.9 (km/h)moderate breezesmall waves becoming longer & fairly frequent white horses1 - 2 m
December12.9 (km/h)moderate breezesmall waves becoming longer & fairly frequent white horses1 - 2 m

Cloud coverage by months in Megeve

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