Best time to visit United States-Midwest

Last updated on May 17, 2023

What are the hottest months to visit United States-Midwest in?

The months with highest temperature in United States-Midwest are July with 28.7°C and August with 26.1°C See Chart

Temperature by months in United States-Midwest

What are the coolest months to visit United States-Midwest in?

The months with lowest temperature in United States-Midwest are January with -9.5°C and February with -7.8°C See Chart

Temperature by months in United States-Midwest

What months have the most rainfall to visit United States-Midwest in?

The months with most rain in United States-Midwest are September with 8.2mm and October with 5.2mm See Chart

Rain by months in United States-Midwest

What months have the least rainfall to visit United States-Midwest in?

The months with least rain in United States-Midwest are January with 1.0mm and December with 1.2mm See Chart

Rain by months in United States-Midwest

What are the most humid months to visit United States-Midwest in?

The months with most humidity in United States-Midwest are September with 78.0 % and February with 74.1 % See Chart

Humidity by months in United States-Midwest

What are the least humid months to visit United States-Midwest in?

The months with least humidity in United States-Midwest are March with 65.1 % and April with 65.3 % See Chart

Humidity by months in United States-Midwest

What months have the most wind in United States-Midwest?

The most windy months in United States-Midwest are April with 26.8 km/h and February with 24.5 km/h See Chart

Wind by months in United States-Midwest

What months have the least wind in United States-Midwest?

The least windy months in United States-Midwest are August with 18.1 km/h and June with 19.6 km/h See Chart

Wind by months in United States-Midwest

Which months have the most cloud cover in United States-Midwest?

The most windy months in United States-Midwest are February with 64.7 % and January with 60.1 % See Chart

Cloud cover by months in United States-Midwest

Which months have the least cloud cover in United States-Midwest?

The least windy months in United States-Midwest are July with 21.7 % and August with 28.4 % See Chart

Cloud cover by months in United States-Midwest

Temperature by months in United States-Midwest

Rain precipitation by months in United States-Midwest

Humidity by months in United States-Midwest

Wind speed by months in United States-Midwest

MonthWind SpeedWind TypeSea conditionsWave height
January26.8 (km/h)fresh breezemoderate waves taking a more pronounced long form; many white horses are formed & chance of some spray2 - 3 m
February24.5 (km/h)fresh breezemoderate waves taking a more pronounced long form; many white horses are formed & chance of some spray2 - 3 m
March23.5 (km/h)fresh breezemoderate waves taking a more pronounced long form; many white horses are formed & chance of some spray2 - 3 m
April23.4 (km/h)fresh breezemoderate waves taking a more pronounced long form; many white horses are formed & chance of some spray2 - 3 m
May22.9 (km/h)fresh breezemoderate waves taking a more pronounced long form; many white horses are formed & chance of some spray2 - 3 m
June22.6 (km/h)fresh breezemoderate waves taking a more pronounced long form; many white horses are formed & chance of some spray2 - 3 m
July22.2 (km/h)fresh breezemoderate waves taking a more pronounced long form; many white horses are formed & chance of some spray2 - 3 m
August21.7 (km/h)fresh breezemoderate waves taking a more pronounced long form; many white horses are formed & chance of some spray2 - 3 m
September21.2 (km/h)fresh breezemoderate waves taking a more pronounced long form; many white horses are formed & chance of some spray2 - 3 m
October20.6 (km/h)fresh breezemoderate waves taking a more pronounced long form; many white horses are formed & chance of some spray2 - 3 m
November19.6 (km/h)moderate breezesmall waves becoming longer & fairly frequent white horses1 - 2 m
December18.1 (km/h)moderate breezesmall waves becoming longer & fairly frequent white horses1 - 2 m

Cloud coverage by months in United States-Midwest

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